Tuesday, March 16, 2010

First "at home" agility session!

As promised, I dug the tunnels & sand bags up from the basement last night and set up a quick easy drill for Secret to play with. I did the above video to document the start of her at-home training.

She was so surprisingly distracted right from the start. Luke has this obnoxious whine that he does when I'm working with another dog (at least it wasn't barking, I guess) and this seemed to really get to Secret. She did much better when Luke was quiet. In the future, I believe I'll try leaving Luke and/or Kaiser in the house to see if it makes a difference.

Secret started out interested in toys, although not to the level she has been showing at the dog center lately. I ended up having to switch to treats when she totally lost interest in the toys.

I started the chute at the same length she was doing it in the basement and was surprised that she acted like she had never seen it before -- So we went back to square one with that until she figured it out. I didn't push to lengthen the chute at all in this session, since she wasn't terribly into it last night and I didn't want to push my luck. We ended on a good note, and that's great!

We went back outside after dinner and I took the camera outside with me to catch some of the awesome play that the dogs have. They are loving this glorious weather, as am I!

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